Mini Murals Project

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MiniMurals Houston

Project ideation, Marketing, Web Design, Social Media Strategy, Digital Strategy

  • Client: UP Art Studio

  • Timeline: June 2015 — current

  • Services: Web Design, Project Management, Social Media Strategy

I walked into a big board room in Spring 2015 with a map of the City of Houston. The map included green, yellow, and red pens throughout Houston, with a green one down the street from my childhood home. I was immediately confused why MY neighborhood and street was highlighted on this map, and what it was symbolizing. It was the start to a city-wide art transformation, which I couldn’t be more proud of to create and support.


MiniMurals started in 2015, when Noah and Elia Quiles of UP Art Studio approached me about helping with this project. We already worked together on several other large mural and art projects, and I became their digital marketing partner. Together, we were able to grow the Mini Murals project to over 250 boxes with more than 40 artists across the City of Houston.

Work Involved

In 2015, I created the website, including an interactive map locating each mural and connecting the painting to the artist. Each artist bio describes their work, and displayed their paintings on a single map. Today, there are more than 250 Mini Murals and 40 artists on the website and the project continues to grow.